Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mr. McCain's Soulmate? - by me

Since I've yet to give birth - and it appears that I won't be doing so anytime soon - I'll admit I can't relate to Sarah Palin's obsession with squirting out babies nonstop. Further, her lack of interest or effort in keeping the world's population down via birth control eludes me. She is against education programs relating to sex for kids and openly opposes it as Governor. She also opposes abortion in the event of incest or rape. Fortunately, I haven't had to face the incest/rape factor but I'm really glad she's not my mom just the same.

Most recently she gave birth to a baby with Down's Syndrome. This neither makes her a hero nor extraordinary. But it does make her a parent with added responsibilities to her family.

I hear women state that because of this child, Mrs. Palin will pave the way for families with special-needs children if she becomes Vice President. Really?! Mrs. Palin has done nothing during her two years as Governor of Alaska to improve the lives of children in general and special-needs children in particular. What makes anyone think that she will alter her course if she succeeds in her quest for national office? Not gonna happen.

With her acceptance of the Vice Presidential nomination, Palin's life is now subject to vetting by the pros. Like Britney, OJ and Ted Kennedy, she has made her choice and it's open season. America is comprised of curious folks and the press will undoubtedly deliver. So far, they've not let anyone down. Except maybe Sen. McCain, Sarah Palin, the state of Alaska and Bush fans nationwide. Only Mrs. Palin herself knows what else is in store for us and I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of her past.

I'm all about the underdog particularly when there's a bully involved. And Palin has surely seen her share of bullies since the GOP announcement of her candidacy. But beyond Her Victim-ness is something that undermines any compassion I may have held for her public beatings. Sarah Palin enjoys hunting animals. This just pisses me off beyond belief. Her calloused approach toward animals has thoroughly turned me away from all things Republican at least during this election. I don't do animal suffering and when I hear about anyone setting out to kill for sport, I can only hope the animal has a gun, a jeep, an opposing thumb and 10 Uzi lessons under its belt.

I'm no angel. I don't possess any delusions of or desires for becoming the second most powerful person in the free world. But Mrs. Palin does. I have a healthy fear of public scrutiny and have learned that - following 9 years of union work on a national level - people can be relentless and downright mean when you are standing between where they are and where they want to be.

Frankly, I would rather live in a refrigerator box under the Brooklyn Bridge than have someone broadcast my shortcomings in every national newspaper and on every TV show across America. I have not led my life in such a way that a full-court press would render me anything but a mess. So I'll continue to stay right here, planted firmly behind my keyboard and express my opinions on someone who has chosen the exact opposite for their future.

The whole "mother of five including a pregnant daughter and Down's Syndrome son" smörgåsbord doesn't make her a stronger candidate. It just makes her a distraction. If the Republicans are asking America to keep their hands off her personal life and focus on her professional record, why pass her youngest of five (a four-month old baby with Down's Syndrome) around at the Republican Convention like a shower gift? Instead of protecting her son from national exposure and the venom of reporters, she is using him as a political tool to blur the line between personal and professional choices. She has blown the door open on her family vault and when the press accepted the invitation and stomped through her hallways dirty feet and all, she tried to throw her international stop sign. Too late ma'am. You can't have it both ways.

I am stunned by McCain's choice for a replacement. It's clear that he kowtowed to conservative spindoctors. Bottom line, Sarah Palin is a snapperhead. She needs help; not a new job. And if she's elected, so will we.

In closing, following is the final paragraph of the Vice Presidential Candidate's bio as published on the official page of the Governor of Alaska:

"Palin is a lifetime member of the NRA and enjoys hunting, fishing, Alaska history, and all that Alaska's great outdoors has to offer."

In the spirit of Jay Leno to Hugh Grant following his faux pas with a hooker: "Mr. McCain: What the hell were you thinking?"

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